Friday, October 10, 2008

Autumn Apples

Due to the upcoming Canadian Thanksgiving holiday, the kids are off of school today and Monday. Needless to say, being an American in Canada, it is most odd to celebrate Thanksgiving before Halloween. A few moms from my American Woman's Club here in Oakville decided to take our kids to Chudliegh's Apple Orchard in Milton--a short 20minute drive in the Escarpment. It was a perfect autumn day. Sunny and about 68 degrees. The trees are beautiful... reds, yellows and oranges. A-mac , Lil' Lefty and MacDaddy played in and on hay bale mazes (you see a picture of MacDaddy on a hay bale with a sign near him that says no climbing on the hay bales.

I pointed the sign out to my kids. Lil' Lefty told me they couldn't read the sign because it wasn't in French!) We walked through the petting zoo, went on a hayride, and then went apple picking. Sampling many apples while picking, the kids decided that Jonagolds were their favorite. The apples were huge (about the size of a 11 inch softball) and only 99 cents a pound. MacDaddy picked his first apple off the tree, took a bite and came over to me with his tooth in hand. He had lost a tooth biting into the apple. We picked about 13 pounds of apples and bought a homemade apple crisp pie for Big D who had to work today.

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