Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The End of the Line

MacMom and I were married 14+ years ago in June 1994. In the summer of 1995, we moved from Cleveland, Ohio to Frisco, Texas. We bought our first house, and our first major appliance.

Last week, almost 14 years later, our refrigerator died. We bought a brand new stainless steel refrigerator from Home Depot that will be delivered tomorrow. The old refrigerator sits in our kitchen, empty and cleaned out. We have a freezer in the basement and a refrigerator in the garage. If you want milk for breakfast, during this interim period, you have to walk into the garage to get it. The temperatures have been in the high 30's so our whole backyard could act as a refrigerator.

Fridge History:
The refrigerator was white when we bought it. Our refrigerator held the Pre-made baby formula and food for each of our three kids while the refrigerator resided in our first Frisco home. We lived in this house and all three kids were born there. When it was time to move our family to Iowa, our refrigerator made the move with us. The "Fridge", not the football player, was there when our entire family had the flu. The fridge saw A-mac throw-up all over the kitchen floor and watched our kids play in the hearth room. The Fridge probably saw the deer that routinely walked in the backyard of our house.

The Fridge again jumped on the moving truck back to Texas, and into our second Frisco home. This was move #2 for the Fridge. It was nice to get back to Texas. Iowa was not good to us. The Fridge knew it.

In Texas, the Fridge needed a make-over. This was a make-over before there were TV shows about make-overs. The Fridge was a trend-setter. MacMom painted the Fridge "chalkboard" paint and the Fridge became the scheduling center piece of our house. The Fridge also gained a new friend. As our family grew, we bought a stand-alone freezer. For obvious reasons, we kept the two of them apart. We were not ready for a "dorm room refrigerator".

The Fridge went international with our move to Canada in 2006. This was the third move for the Fridge. The Fridge was expected to sit-the-bench in the garage, as our home was to have an existing refrigerator. However, we liked our Fridge better and moved it into the kitchen. The Fridge was called back into action. The home's new, but small refrigerator went into the garage.

Our 3 kids are "fully active" and the Fridge has remained the scheduling centerpiece of our house. Weekly calendars, in chalk, are written on the Fridge and monthly calendars are hung to the Fridge. The Fridge holds the magnetic milk bag opening knife (see previous milk-in-a-bag post). The Fridge has been with us through a lot... 14+ plus years of life with our family. Who knows what new things will happen. Who knows if refrigerators made today will last 14 years.

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