Monday, October 13, 2008

Whoever Heard of Thanksgiving before Halloween?

Even though Canada is just to the north of the states and our home or as A-mac calls it-our temporary relocation facility is only 45 minutes from the USA border at Niagara Falls, we have learned that Canada is quite a different country. More on this in future posts! For now, their Thanksgiving Day is celebrated the second Monday in October. Whoever heard of celebrating Thanksgiving before Halloween?

The 3-day weekend has given us some of the nicest weather of the summer. Sunny and warm with a temperature of about 75 degrees. Most good Canadians head north to their cottages to close them up for the winter and are home in time to spend Monday having dinner with family and friends.

What do we do on a 3 day Canadian Thanksgiving weekend? We go to the ballfield....

I am catching Lil Lefty. A-mac is
standing in watching balls. MacDaddy
is hitting off the Tee in the outfield and MacMom has camera duty.

A fun time was had by all. Although, Lil' Lefty probably enjoyed herself the most. When it wasn't her turn at bat, she went around collecting snails and grasshoppers and she would sneek up behind me and place them on my head. Silly girl!

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