Friday, October 31, 2008

Tricks and Treats

Halloween Day brought me my own tricks and treats. My first treat is today's weather- A beautiful fall, sunny day with a temp of 70 degrees.

My trick...Oakville was out of Halloween candy. I went to 5 stores in search of candy. Lucky for me, at my 4 th store, Canadian Superstore, the clerk was breaking down the empty candy boxes and let me in on a little secret. He said Longo's grocery store had a little bit of candy left. I was able to pick up some Reese and Twizzlers. My apologies in advance to my Canadian neighbors, I am not a peanut free house!

My next treat was when I pulled in to the gas station to fill up the tank of the Yukon. Gas was at an all time low of 90.2 cents a liter (about $3.60 a gallon)! I believe that is the cheapest I have seen gas priced in the two years we have lived in our temporary relocation facility. I was so happy that I was able to fill up my gas tank for a bargain price of $95.

MacDaddy was so excited I bought Reese. It is his favorite candy bar. He was helping hang spider webs on the front porch and in the bushes. Asking if he could have a Reese, I say yes and remind him...just one! He returns, one Reese in hand and says something bad happened to the candy. I follow him inside and take off the lid of the ghost that holds our candy. In the middle of all the candy is a mouse!
Trick!! Gotcha…it’s just Freddy, MacDaddy’s stuffed mouse from school. Andrew has to write about himself and Freddy and their experiences every weekend. MacDaddy explained that he thought it was a great way to start their weekend adventure.

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