Thursday, October 9, 2008

I Wisj I had Taken Typing Class is High School

Big D here. When I attended high school I took several AP (Advanced Placement) classes in history, math and English. These classes were designed to get a fast start on college and often qualified for college credit. An argument could be made that these classes helped make me a well rounded individual. Unfortunately, and surprsingly, I feel I use very little of what I learned in these classes in my every day life.

I wisj I had taken typing. I spend more time during the day typing and often hit the "j" key when I want to hit the "h" key... pause... figure it out... I would be more productive at my job if I could type without looking at the keyboard and use more than five fingers...

Last night I took A-mac to the speed factory. The speed factory is an individual business where he works with kids in groups to improve their coordination, explosion and agility. As I have watched all my kids in their activities I have realized that no one has ever taught them how to run. You would think this comes naturally but I believe it can be improved with proper technique and dedication. Several parents have taken their kids and everyone I have talked with gives high marks. Speed, unfortunately, is not one of the genetic qualities I have handed down to my kids.

Movie Quote: If you have seen the Rocky movies you may recall this quote from Mickey when he is working with Rocky on his speed before his big rematch with Apollo CReed in Rocky II.

[During Rocky's retraining] Mickey: "Speed, greasey fast speed. You're gonna eat lightnin'; you're gonna crap thunder. "

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