Friday, October 17, 2008

Our Digital World

Big D here. I love the digital world. I love movies, pictures and words stored in a box and reviewed on a screen. After about 1/2 a dozen computer crashes over the past 10 years and the most previous one about a month ago, I have learned that our digital world is not perfect. We had a back-up external hard drive that was not configured correctly and we lost a "chunk" of picture and movies. That is the bad! We lost the hundreds of $ of iTunes content that we had purchased over the past 2 years. But, in our digital world, I had receipts for everything bought on iTunes and was able to get them to allow me to re-download the content. Three days to re-download and a day to back-up to the external hard drive and we seem to be back in the digital age.

I am a note taker. My email used to have a 10 GB capacity, then it moved to 20GB and then to 500 GB. Now they don't even report the capacity. During the kids ball seasons, I took notes after each activity and stored them in the "Notes" section of my email. I enjoy reviewing and seeing the progress archived in notes.

We have had several video cameras during the 14 years of our married life. I am sure that we have a box of tapes with birthday parties, family activities, sporting events and that video of when we bought our first home... remember that one MacMom? The problem is, what do I play them on? I know they can be converted to DVD. But along with loving the mediums, I like them short... give me five - 30 second videos over a hour long VHS tape any day.

I love the idea of a blog. It allows me to memorialize activities, and thoughts, that I can later review and enjoy. The blog is for me. (I really like it when MacMom corrects my spelling or syntax.) You are welcome to watch it evolve, but realize I am not trying to make a statement or communicate information to the world... just documenting life! It fits well with "Our Digital World".

One last thought, I really like Christmas cards. I like the chaos of getting the three kids together for one photo to create our photo card. I really enjoy the one page summary of our year that MacMom writes, and we as a family "wordsmith" before including in the card. Living in Canada, we try to save a couple hundred bucks and mail our cards from the US when we visit relatives for Thanksgiving. To mail each card from Canada would cost us $1.60 per card verses whatever the US postal rate is up to now. So expect your card early. I look forward to heading out to our mailbox and finding your card. I like reading the Christmas cards and catching up with your family news and looking at the pictures of family and friends included in the card.

This is a transition year with the start of the blog (thanks to Mrs. Nelson for explaining how easy it is). I suspect we will have a full year summary in the Christmas card this year, but as all good ideas evolve future Christmas cards will probably just give you the link to the summary of Mac life on our blog.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Our family is enjoying your blog as much as it sounds like you are! It is a great way to preserve these everyday memories that so quickly slip by. And yes, know that we're already waiting for your Christmas card so we can see those 3 precious faces and how much they have grown this year!

From the Nelson crew in London