Friday, October 3, 2008


Part of the enjoyment of S'MORES is the way in which they are made. A marshmallow is skewered on the end of a long stick and held just above a fire until (according to personal preference) its outer surface starts to brown, char, or even catch fire. The marshmallow is quickly pinched off its stick with the waiting graham crackers and a piece of chocolate. Ideally, the heat from the roasted marshmallow partially melts the chocolate into a gooey, delicious mess.

Now, imagine my surprise when 8 year old MacDaddy says he has never had a s'more. How can that be? A-mac and Lil' Lefty have had s'mores. Maybe he was too young to remember? No use having a "Yes, you have/No, I have not" argument with your child over s'mores! This week, I made a point of adding to my grocery list: graham crackers, marshmallows and a Hershey's chocolate bar. Tonight, after dinner, I fired up the the chimenia and MacDaddy, A-mac and Lil' Lefty made and ate s'mores. I even pulled out the camera so that years from now my kids can't say , "Mom, how come we never made s'mores?" The proof will be in the pictures. By the way, MacDaddy liked the s'mores and asked for S'MORE PLEASE!

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