Sunday, October 19, 2008

I am an Artiste

I wish I could tell you I set this picture up by using low apeture and shutter mode with a specific ISO settiing in full manual. Unfortunately, all I was trying to do was get a picture of Lil Lefty throwing her first Squirt (12u) pitch from 35 feet. The initial feedback was I did a horrible job. I remember taking the picture, hitting the button and it seemed like an eternity waiting while the camera did "stuff" before the picture was snapped. I think using the word "stuff" has confirmed that I do not know the inner-workings camera technology.

MacMom is REALLY good at taking pictures. I enjoy looking at her pictures. It is very hard for me to take pictures during an event because I like to see the action first hand. The ultimate "Proud Dad" trade off is, do you watch the action as it happens or try to capture a piece of it for review at a later time. At MacDaddy's hockey game on Saturday he had a full ice break-away goal, skated through the oponents and scored in the "5 hole". He also had a "One timer" slap shot that was the best I had seen at his age. (aside: 5 hole is the space between the feet. One timer means the puck is coming at you and you slap shoot it without stopping the puck) I got pictures/movies of neither. I wish I had. I am sure there will be more.

MacMom had uploaded all the pictures onto our computer and I ran a back-up (See "Our Digital World" post... you can teach an old dog new tricks) I looked through all of the pictures. If you click on the picture above it will bring the picture into your full screen.

As I looked at the picture I realized it is kind of cool. Lil Lefty's hair is "flowing" in the middle of the picture. You can see the black and orange colors of her new uniforms. The yellow circle of the ball is also in the middle and if you follow the circle from the top you can see the ball carry all the way to the batter who is out of camera sight. If you understand your fastpitch mechanics you can see she turned over her wrist where the back of her hand is facing up. This is an area we will work on correcting in the winter to provide consistency in her "flipping". You can see the car lights in the background. Lil Lefty is the only Tiger player in the picture showing it can be lonely having the responsibility of pitching and you can see four player from the other team on the bench watching as Lil Lefty pitches.

After several minutes of further review I have realized that my picture was not horrible.
I realized that I am an "Artiste"

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