Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Milk in a Bag?

Milk bags are rectangular plastic bags that hold milk. They are usually stored in a pitcher with one of the corners cut off to allow for pouring. A typical milk bag contains one liter of milk and is purchased in bundles three for about $4.79.

It takes some effort to place the milk bags into the pitcher because they seem to be made larger than the plastic pitchers you purchase to put them in. After placing the milk bag into the pitcher you need to smack the bottom of the pitcher on the counter or table until the bag slides all the way down into the pitcher. Even then, too much of the bag is up over the top of the pitcher.
A milk bag is then opened with a small razor blade type envelope opener. The trick is to cut the corner off just right. The size of the hole you cut should be fairly small so when you go to pour the milk you have a small stream. Now, having 3 kids in the house that cut the corner off of milk bags gives us large corner holes. When you slightly tip the pitcher the milk gushes out like Niagara Falls. It makes a mess with milk all over the counter and down inside the pitcher. Worst of all is that you can’t cry over spilled milk! The milk bag is stored in the fridge just like a milk jug, but it sits there unsealed/open and the air from the refrigerator and smells from your food flavor your milk if you don’t drink it fast enough. I guess that’s why each bag is only one liter.

And there we have it. The milk bags in all it's glorious action. I want my plastic milk jug back!!!

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